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39 Subway Road
Pukekohe, Auckland, 2120
New Zealand


We sell stylish high quality portable cabins.  These are an extra room which can be used for anything from a sleepout to an office or music room.  Great for getting teenages their own space or somewhere for you to pursue that hobby.

Example Floorplans

Bedroom 9.84m2.jpg


Our 9.84m2 cabin is big enough for a queen bed, desk and chest of drawers.  Perfect for getting your teenagers out of the house but not out of your lives! Cabins are fully insulated and your TV/computer can connect to our 2 power sockets.

Kids room 9.84m2.jpg

Kids room

Our 9.84m2 cabin provides a great space for a playroom and allowing you to reclaim your house!

Office 9.84m2.jpg


Plenty of room for one or more desks, perfect for an office, meeting room or even a lunchroom.

Man cave 9.84m2.jpg

Man/woman cave

Get set up with your big screen TV, beer fridge and settle in to watch the game or a movie!

Artist studio 9.84m2.jpg

Artist studio

Set aside a personal space to pursue that hobby that you always wanted to.

Here are some more examples of uses our customers have had for our cabins:

  • Beach houses
  • Small business space
  • Construction site office
  • Farm accomodation
  • Music room
  • Storage space

The options are endless!